I was standing waiting for the lights to change when a woman said to me ‘You look just like a painting by Holbein.’


PAT MEAR   Standing beside a wall of small, fluid line drawings, was a small, elegant lady.  She hardly came up to my shoulder as we stood together and studied the little pictures. Little is not an adequate description. Their reach could be emboldened; the line and its movement are so precise, so correct, they … Read more


The Major had realized, brushing his moustache with the back of his hand, that he knew us. Or rather, my husband. They had been together somewhere, I didn’t catch the name, but it was hot. The two men sighed in unison remembering how the sand burned the soles of their feet through their boots, how … Read more


  MOTHER’S BEADS   ‘This is the drawing-room’, I told the dealer. ‘The best pieces are in here.’ ‘I can see that’, he said, eyeing the delicate porcelain that covered every surface.  There was silence; he, I supposed, pondering what offer to make and I imaging the big white room bare at last. He raised … Read more


  ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE Lady Stretton was unaware that she lived in a large mock-tudor villa just south of the A3. She sat for most of the day in a small room at the back of the house, away from the noise of passing traffic and from her relations.   She had two sons, two … Read more


A  remote village in Dorset. A battle between superstition and reality.  Newcomers are cold-shouldered, but alliances are formed. Kate, recently widowed finds herself unexpectedly in love, but the past is as dangerous as the present.     CHAPTER ONE   During late November, when the landscape was revealed without its disguise of leaves, Kate  shut … Read more

The Temple

The Temple is the story of good and evil fighting over the soul of a child. Helen is caught between warring generations and between families who used to be good friends but who are now estranged. The parents who control her childhood are dissolute and charming;their friends are helpless in the face of evil. Between … Read more

Stephen White in Venice

Stephen White is a quiet and thoughtful artist. Artists, in a sense that belies the freedom they claim for their art, are disciplined as well as independent. It is counter-intuitive but I think it may have been a combination of these virtues, discipline and independence, that enabled him, as a submariner, to live many months … Read more

Offerings by Lucy Brown

OFFERINGS by LUCY BROWN Project Space, Collect 2012 Offerings had a very strong subjective effect on me; a frisson caused by the intermingling of delight and fear. The piece is seductive and draws the observer in; however, by moving through it they became an active participant; either victim or predator. The arrangement is tactile and … Read more